About Us

Welcome to the Tea Lovers Club. We are Dale and Jordan and we created the Tea Lovers Club because we love Tea! It’s as simple as that. We want to share our love of drinking Tea with the world. 

Dale’s Story

My Tea journey began with drinking Tea with my mum and ‘aunty’ Ann. I felt like such an adult as we all drank Tea, shared a homemade treat and talked about the world. I like black Tea with a dash of milk.

Jordan’s Story

I first fell in love with Tea when I would visit my grandfather as a child and he would make me Tea and toast.When I drink Tea I’m reminded of good times with my grandfather. My favourite tea is Earl Grey, but I’m always keen to try new flavours.

Why we created the Tea Lovers Club

Australia has a strong coffee culture and we are bombarded all the time with products and messages about coffee. We think that Tea deserves the same, well let's be honest, Tea is better and deserves far more love, respect and attention than coffee. We looked for products to show our love of Tea and couldn’t find any, so we decided to make our own!

Life should be fun and we hope you think that about our designs. Whether you like Tea with milk or without, black Tea, green Tea, herbal Tea or any other kind, be part of the Tea Lovers Club and share your love of Tea with the world!